
Joined: Dec 14 2011


Dragon games123
Feb 1 2013, 8:45 pm
can you put afterlife on i am playing roug and its weaird
Dragon games123
Feb 1 2013, 7:54 am
why is afterlife off now thats not cool
Dec 27 2012, 4:17 am
Yo, long time no talk aha, next time you're on Byond, shoot me a PM. Need to ask a few things about AL.
May 7 2012, 5:14 pm
when is afterlife going to be back up?
Endless Rain
Mar 27 2012, 11:18 am
Desmond.. look at your game xD

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Naruto: Rogue

Those Of The Red Cloud

Join The Akatsuki!

1000 Men Dead

Kill 1000 Elite Ninja!

10000 Rep Superstar

Get 10,000 Reputation!

Grand Elite

Accepted into the Brotherhood of Grand!

Bounty Hunter

Successfully Collect On 100 Bounties!

Ultimate Tourney Brawler

Fight And Win 100 Tournament!

Tailed No# 1

Unlock Your Full Potential!

Tailed No# 9

Unlock Your Full Potential!

The Unexpected

For those who are able to overcome any obstacle. Complete the Competency Exam!!

The Completionist

Those That Obtain All Accolades of Achievement!