Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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Is it possible to add a hook when the client moves or resizes the default (Or other) windows?

It would be really handy for aligning a lot of features in your game.
You would likely have to be able to access the window coordinates of the Windows API and check for a change, but you would have to have the overhead of that check to do it. There are no other functions called (to my knowledge) when you move a window, except for the OS's window position function. I've never really delved into the Windows API, so Cloud likely has more experience in the subject than I, but that's my speculation.

You can catch resizes with that, but not movement. I had movement detection in it, but it was insanely resource-hungry so I removed it.
Could you reimplement it for research purposes? I really, really need somesuch functionality.
Done, and updated -- just set the movement_tracking variable to 1 and you'll get updates when the window moves.

Keep in mind that until the mouse button is release on a movement call the system will think the window is continuously being moved. I'll investigate a bit later to see if I can split the two actions into an onmoving() and the existing onmove().