
It's basically a twitter account of some of the stuff people say to artists, when trying to get them to work for free. This makes a remarkable compendium of "Stuff not to say to an artist", and the very 'interesting' notion that someone's idea is worth massively more than the skills required to make the idea happen.
I got told similar things when I was applying to be a journalist and ghost writer on some websites. "We're looking for someone to do it for free" or "Write like 10 articles for free and if we like you we'll keep you".

I lost it at this one though:
Need Animator-I have a story that's 4 seasons long, 10 episodes each. looking for maximum quality. No pay. I will warn that I am very picky.

Some of these HAVE to be jokes, I don't want to let myself believe someone would be that stupid to have written that and be completely serious. I already have a dwindling hope for mankind as it is, it doesn't need to get any lower.
In response to EmpirezTeam
This is a comic that will definitely become a very successful cult hit. I can guarantee it! Why? Cause f#&* you that's why!


In response to Wissam
Wissam wrote:
This is a comic that will definitely become a very successful cult hit. I can guarantee it! Why? Cause f#&* you that's why!


They do the same thing on craigslist. Not all the time, but sometimes you'll get those "I want $300 dollars for this broken, 15 year old laptop I found in someone's garbage can" ads that are either made by people joking or people that aren't playing with a full deck.