500 Fathoms

by SuperSaiyanGokuX
Take the Plunge

Should those bars be joined together?
Actually, no. They're separate elements. The left is for a timer, the center is for text (though I see that on your machine, the text size I'm using is far too big. You should be able to see "(Generating Terrain.)") and the right is to display your current depth (as a sort of "score"/progress)

I guess they could be joined, but this would be more of a design choice than a bug.
That's fine. It was just to me, with the large text and no left/right borders, it looked like one long line that had been fragmented due to some bug.
Though after I thought about it some more, I realized also that those two side boxes should be displaying their info at all times. So apparently, not only is the text in the center getting cut off due to size, so are those two side boxes.

I hadn't really realized that there would be such a large discrepancy in font sizing across machines.