There I was, innocently toiling away at my Murder Mansion "Neighborhood" map to put in the finishing touches, when suddenly, this happened:

I'd turn this in as an official bug report, but I have no idea how or why it happened, nor any way to repeat it... All I was doing was placing some turfs to make a car in the garage behind the violet house and with a slight flicker of the editor (or maybe the entire screen) that jumbled mess exploded all over the map... I don't even remember exactly what function I had just performed when it happened (was I simply using Fill or Add to place a turf? had I right-clicked a tile? etc.)

A handful of instances have been replaced by other instances wherever they occur on the map (for example, the yellow dashed road lines are now blue mailboxes, and the horizontal picket fences were replaced by wall lights, which are actually objects with a pixel offset) The swapped elements have different icon files (so it's not just an icon_state change) and in some cases, different atom types...

I suspect that it has something to do with my particular mapping method; atoms (especially turfs) are only defined in code by general types (like "turf/Room_Decor/Kitchen","turf/Floors". etc.) instead of by specifics... Each one has its own icon file ('decor_kitchen.dmi', 'arch_floors.dmi', etc.) that contains states for all instances needed for that type, and then these instances are "Generated from icon_states" in the map editor for placement... (so, rather than hard-defining each of the specific turfs needed, like "red carpet" or "microwave", I can just use the one general definition, generate instances, and place whatever icon_state I need)

So my best guess is that something went wrong with the system underlying the "Generate instances" function that caused the instances I had generated for the map thus far to become all mixed up...

I opened the map file in a text editor, but it looks like fixing this that way would be way too much work (the list of unique tile definitions goes all the way up to "vg", which is over 1000 different entries), so, I'm left with a manual clean up... Fortunately, the map has a copy in the /backup folder, but unfortunately, that backup is a bit old, and lacks additions like the trees and such... Perhaps I can frankenstein the two and salvage the majority of the work with minimal tile-by-tile correcting...

Oh well, I guess I'd better get to work...
That really sucks , Sorry :(.
It looks as if a group of zombies totaled the place.
Perhaps you copied some text, and then tried to past it into the map editor?
Still not sure what happened, but thanks to a combination of copy-pasting good chunks from the backup file (mostly each of the houses, since they were finished when the backup was made) and some find-replacing of lines in the map file in Notepad, repairs are actually almost finished!

I think that after I get the map back to where it was before the catastrophe, I'm going to make my own backup before I go further... :)

I tried a little harder to remember what exactly I was doing when it went haywire, and I'm pretty sure I had just given the command to "Generate instances from icon_states" I wonder if I've hit some sort of limit within this file for that function? Like one more generation simply blew up whatever system is used to store all of the generated instances?
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Still not sure what happened, but thanks to a combination of copy-pasting good chunks from the backup file (mostly each of the houses, since they were finished when the backup was made) and some find-replacing of lines in the map file in Notepad, repairs are actually almost finished!

I think that after I get the map back to where it was before the catastrophe, I'm going to make my own backup before I go further... :)

I tried a little harder to remember what exactly I was doing when it went haywire, and I'm pretty sure I had just given the command to "Generate instances from icon_states" I wonder if I've hit some sort of limit within this file for that function? Like one more generation simply blew up whatever system is used to store all of the generated instances?

I like how you used the words "Blew up" :P.
I hate to bump this, but this looks identical to Glitch City in Pokemon. This is clearly a feature now, it's no bug. :)
god... i remember when MM was just in a mansion way way back in 2005... i used to host as much as possible until i moved... good times