Well, it seems hard to believe that it has already been a year since I put up that download link to a preview copy of what I had done so far... It's also hard to believe that so little has been done since

But (and even though this post comes late... heck, I didn't even update the hub page until nearly midnight last night, right before work) I've once again put up a preview edition on MM's hub page...

I was hoping to have this update finished by yesterday, but I didn't make it... It's nearly to the point I want it to be, but it still needs a good chunk of work... However, it's playable in the current form, so feel free to check it out and break it in all of the many ways I'm sure it can be broken!
Just to mention that I've made a few fixes to that preview file and re-uploaded it...

The huge loading time when opening the game should be gone now, the lighting system bugs should be gone (some lights wouldn't turn on once they were turned off, and light was spilling through closed doors), and I remembered to include the text files folder so the game intro text will display...

AI still sucks, though... That's next on my List...
Dude...Leave the AI crap for now, who needs it when the game will be good enough that 20 people will be playing at once?
Well, aside from the AI, and potentially some more small code tweaks, the only things left for me to add are more maps and more modes (I have a list of plans for each), and to push the game into 4.0 (don't worry, all of you 3.5-ers, I'll leave a version of the files around that can be played in 3.5)

So the AI improvements are sort of the top priority at the moment...

I just realized that an error during packaging the files caused the new version to not show up on the hub when hosted (a typo in the Hub ID box)

That's fixed now, so everyone can re-download the files and successfully host with them (so no one has to deal with the stupid AI for now)!