loading DragonBall Z United Nation.dme
loading Map.dmp
Map.dmp:18024:error: undefined map symbol: "a

Failed to load map file C:\Documents and Settings\Guest\Desktop\Test\Map.dmp.

DragonBall Z United Nation.dmb - 1 error, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)

Problem description:

I dont know why this error is showing. what do i do?
Someone your map file was corrupted. You'll have to open it in a text editor and manually fix the problem, or create a new map.
OMG , how do i prevent this from happening?
In response to Tales Number TwO
Back up your files os you can just overwrite it if something causes it to get corrupted
I got this error when I tried to organize my code into seperate folders. If you moved anything, try moving them back. Otherwise, you just have to do what Popisfizzy said.