
Joined: Jun 26 2009


Temaki5's Favorite Games

by Mew two300 | Jul 18 2008
The Game Is Always Being Updated So Join! There was a pwipe so all postions are open!
by Falacy | Oct 9 2008
Tags: anime
MMORPG Styled Game, Loosely Based on Bleach.
by TRAE12 | Nov 21 2008
Need of Icconner and Alittle Coders[2 at Max] We have auto ranks,rank challlenge sytem and every espada release that ...
by Masqurade | May 26 2013
We are back!
by Alec94 | Aug 13 2009
Back from a long break and newly Revamped with a completely original source based on the popular anime "Bleach"
A Bleach game that will keep you from killing yourself cause its so awesome!
Bleach S.O.L.E, Note: Please read the rules, Experience the real bleach feeling Train with friends or fight them, Win ...
All Espadas have Shikais, there are some Arrancar shikai. We have TONS of Shinigami Zanpakutou to choose from. Game's ...
by Mrtony | May 28 2008
Bleach Unleashed Bankai just have fun^^.