Ok i have two vars that are defigned like this:


and it shows them in the statpanel, but when i play it causes errors and then shuts down the world... why is this? the error says:

runtime error: Maximum recursion level reached (perhaps there is an infinite loop)
To avoid this safety check, set world.loop_checks=0.
proc name: Stat (/mob/Human/person/Stat)
usr: Human (/mob/Human/person)
src: Human (/mob/Human/person)
call stack:
Human (/mob/Human/person): Stat("Human: 0")

and i also click on the statpanel to find that it is VERY VERY VERY LONG, saying my stats continually that are suppost to be in there only once. Any help would be appreciated!
You're using
instead of
to display your stats. By doing that Stat() is called recursively over and over giving that error.
In response to tenkuu
tenkuu wrote:
You're using
instead of
to display your stats. By doing that Stat() is called recursively over and over giving that error.

Wow its always somthing so simple like that, thanks