Does anyone know of an easy way to copy one Linux Server's installations and configurations? Such as: apache lib and config, ftp configs, ssh configs, zip lib, and other stuff while excluding things like "example.txt" and "work file.c"? The concept here is to pretty much copy all the necessities to replicate its functions, not its contents. Its functions are things like calling zip, having ssh's port changed, keep the cron jobs and init startup commands, have ftp disabled, etc. Just so you don't have to go through the hassle of setting it up again.

I've tried using rsync with scp. It's acting funny when I try to transfer it. I tried zipping it and rsyncing it, it doesn't want to zip the rsync'd folder. So, if anyone has a surefire problem-free method, inform me, please.
You can look into using docker and dockerfiles to setup an easily deployable solution.
I'm not entirely sure this even closely solves my issues. It seems like docker does not transfer the libs and settings to the new server but instead "hosts" them. I want each server to be completely independent of each other while still running the same way as each other. That's it in a nutshell.
Are you transferring one server to another with the same virtualization?

You should be able to get a dump from you're provider..