The button control had a minimum width that was enforced even after size was set specifically.
BYOND Version:507
Operating System:Windows 8 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 37.0.2062.120
Applies to:Webclient
Status: Resolved (507.1259)

This issue has been resolved.
In this image I shrink my map and auto anchor it. It anchors properly.

However, when I enter custom anchors for the buttons and labels, the button seems to be a bit off.

window "main"
elem "main"
type = MAIN
pos = 281,0
size = 640x480
anchor1 = none
anchor2 = none
font-family = ""
font-size = 0
font-style = ""
text-color = #000000
background-color = #ff80c0
is-visible = true
is-disabled = false
is-transparent = false
is-default = true
border = sunken
drop-zone = true
right-click = false
saved-params = "pos;size;is-minimized;is-maximized"
on-size = "ResizeMap"
title = ""
titlebar = true
statusbar = false
can-close = true
can-minimize = true
can-resize = true
is-pane = false
is-minimized = false
is-maximized = false
can-scroll = none
icon = ""
image = ""
image-mode = stretch
keep-aspect = false
transparent-color = none
alpha = 255
macro = "macro"
menu = ""
on-close = ""
elem "map"
type = MAP
pos = 224,144
size = 416x336
anchor1 = 35,30
anchor2 = 100,100
font-family = ""
font-size = 0
font-style = ""
text-color = none
background-color = none
is-visible = true
is-disabled = false
is-transparent = false
is-default = true
border = none
drop-zone = false
right-click = false
saved-params = "icon-size"
on-size = ""
icon-size = 0
text-mode = false
letterbox = true
zoom = 0
on-show = ""
on-hide = ""
style = ""
elem "mini-button2"
type = BUTTON
pos = 8,452
size = 20x20
anchor1 = 0,100
anchor2 = none
font-family = ""
font-size = 0
font-style = "bold"
text-color = #000000
background-color = none
is-visible = false
is-disabled = false
is-transparent = false
is-default = false
border = line
drop-zone = false
right-click = false
saved-params = "is-checked"
on-size = ""
text = "-"
image = ""
command = "MiniChat"
is-flat = false
stretch = false
is-checked = false
group = ""
button-type = pushbutton
elem "chat-input"
type = INPUT
pos = 8,452
size = 200x20
anchor1 = 0,100
anchor2 = 33,100
font-family = ""
font-size = 0
font-style = ""
text-color = #000000
background-color = #e4e4e4
is-visible = true
is-disabled = false
is-transparent = false
is-default = false
border = line
drop-zone = false
right-click = false
saved-params = ""
on-size = ""
command = "Chat"
multi-line = false
is-password = false
no-command = false
elem "chat-label"
type = LABEL
pos = 8,252
size = 180x20
anchor1 = 0,57
anchor2 = 33,57
font-family = ""
font-size = 0
font-style = ""
text-color = #000000
background-color = none
is-visible = true
is-disabled = false
is-transparent = false
is-default = false
border = line
drop-zone = false
right-click = false
saved-params = ""
on-size = ""
text = "Chat"
image = ""
image-mode = center
keep-aspect = false
align = center
text-wrap = false
elem "mini-button"
type = BUTTON
pos = 188,252
size = 20x20
anchor1 = 33,57
anchor2 = none
font-family = ""
font-size = 0
font-style = "bold"
text-color = #000000
background-color = none
is-visible = true
is-disabled = false
is-transparent = false
is-default = false
border = line
drop-zone = false
right-click = false
saved-params = "is-checked"
on-size = ""
text = "-"
image = ""
command = "MiniChat"
is-flat = false
stretch = false
is-checked = false
group = ""
button-type = pushbutton
elem "output"
type = OUTPUT
pos = 8,272
size = 200x180
anchor1 = 0,57
anchor2 = 33,100
font-family = ""
font-size = 0
font-style = ""
text-color = #000000
background-color = #ffffff
is-visible = true
is-disabled = false
is-transparent = false
is-default = true
border = line
drop-zone = false
right-click = false
saved-params = "max-lines"
on-size = ""
link-color = #0000ff
visited-color = #ff00ff
style = ""
enable-http-images = false
max-lines = 1000
image = ""

In DreamSeeker it resizes just fine.

In the WebClient it stretches the mini-button a bit too far.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
The button control had a minimum width that was enforced even after size was set specifically.