
Joined: Mar 16 2012

Software Developer

Medals Zoblod has earned in his favorite games

[Any games] [Medals left to earn]

Shinobi Of Legend

Battle Royale Winner (bronze)

Win a Battle Royale against 5 or less participants.

Earned on Sep 28 2013, 9:39 am

You rock!

Knock an opponent Gravely Unconscious using a rock

Earned on Nov 16 2013, 11:27 am


Naruto The Final Battle


You have joined the evil group entitled "Akatsuki"...

Earned on Apr 1 2013, 9:03 am


Reached the rank of Jounin and joined the ranks of Elite Ninja!

Earned on Apr 5 2013, 3:49 pm


Your Leader has added you to their group of ninjas entitled the ANBU!

Earned on Apr 9 2013, 10:01 am

Heroes United

Been There, Done That

Login to the Game

Earned on Mar 16 2012, 3:47 pm