Free Icon Pack

by Metamorphman
Over 5000 different icons for free use [More]
To download this library for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Metamorphman.FreeIconPack2##version=1

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1
Date added: Jul 13 2013
Last updated: Jul 21 2013
23 fans
This is a set of exactly 5455 icons, either 32x32 or 54x54 in size and completely free to use.

They are the majority of graphics from put into .dmi format. They have been drawn by David E. Gervais, and are published under the Creative Commons licence. You are free to to copy, distribute and transmit them as long as you credit David Gervais as their creator.

- Weapons
- Armor
- Terrain (Isometric and Topdown)
- People
- Enemies
- Items