String Utilities

by Stephen001
A library of performance enhanced string functions.
Keywords: library
Just a short post to say I am creating a library to provide high performance string utilities. The performance gain comes from using a DLL for operations I know BYOND can be slow at, and providing my solutions to you, to incorporate into your games.

The intention for 1.0.0 is to have the following:
  • A string builder datum, used for constructing strings as part of a looping procedure.
  • Global find and replace of text
  • Random string generation (good for passwords)
The intended user is really a developer with an existing game, that needs to retro-fit some high performance solutions onto known performance issues with their servers. This library will use a DLL, which has some security considerations ("installing" the DLL on the server, or trusted mode access).

I currently have the initial string builder implementation, with one known bug. The link to the library is here:

I have other ideas for 2.0.0, including some better hashing algorithms than MD5, levinson distance calculation (needed for competent spell checkers), and possibly spell checking hints themselves.
Will the DLL be open source?
Yes. The one currently uploaded isn't mostly out of the fact it's undocumented.
The performance gain comes from*
Good work, Stephen.

Always glad to see you programming.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
The performance gain comes from*

Thank you, corrected.
Just added the DLL source code (sans makefile as I'm using an internal builder), and bumped the hub version to notify downloaders.