Keywords: cheap, webhosting
I found this webpage while I was searching for the tools described. If you're looking for web hosting and you want it cheap, try this link.

Since I'm no genius and not the most computer-friendly person you'll meet, I ask for some of you more experienced members to let me know if this seems like a pretty decent deal. Also, I wanted to share the link for anyone that was looking for something similar. :)
I've used ipage before (customer chose them, not me). They're OK-ish. If you're just making a personal site for fun, I would suggest something like

For a small business, ipage would be probably work. They have some nice features for online stores and what-not. However, I've found their reliability and page load times pretty poor (they're a virtual host). Some of their backend tools are a little buggy, too (and they don't give you ssh access, so you have to use them). That said, they do offer a lot of control over your site that most virtual hosts don't (for example, you get access to the php.ini file). Their support staff is decent, too, in my experience.