You must have a valid macro in your interface, even if it is blank and assing it on your default control.
Otherwise no macros will be processed.
So i just need to create alot of blank macros?
No, just a macro file with no macros at all.
In response to Fushimi
Fushimi wrote:
No, just a macro file with no macros at all.

I have an empty macro list in my interface file, and I tried an empty script file just in case. Neither worked. Am I missing something?

I am kinda limited changing my code around since my pasting function doesnt work in dream maker. I have looked thru my work atleast 10 times and still dont see anything overwriting the code for client. I have mentioned every library I am using along with all code relating to macros.
Anyone have an indepth solution?
Please run the code I have posted for me to better understand the situation.

Also, inform about errors if you get any.
In response to Jemai1
Jemai1 wrote:
Would you mind running the following code?
> mob/verb/debug_test()
> src << "type: [type]"
> if(istype(client.keys))
> src << "client.keys: [client.keys.len]"
> else
> src << "client.keys = \"[client.keys]\""

Sorry Change that I copied the verb wrong. It doesnt seem to do anything.
Dude, just tell what the output is. Please comply, or you won't be getting much help.
In response to Jemai1
my bad I didnt have my interface file setup for user input. it outputs this.

type: /mob/Normal
client.keys = "|west|east|north|south|northeast|southeast|northwest|southwes t|center|numpad0|numpad1|numpad2|numpad3|numpad4|numpad5|num pad6|numpad7|numpad8|numpad9|divide|multiply|subtract|add|de cimal||space|shift|ctrl|alt|escape|return|tab|back|delete|in sert||F1|F2|F3|F4|F5|F6|F7|F8|F9|F10|F11|F12||a|b|c|d|e|f|g| h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z||0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9||`|-|=|[|]|;|'|,|.|/|\|"
Best response
That tells a lot. The set_macros() proc is supposed to convert that into a list. That means FA's client/New was never called.
In response to Jemai1
Jemai1 wrote:
That tells a lot. The set_macros() proc is supposed to convert that into a list. That means FA's client/New was never called.

That seems to have fixed it. thanks alot and sorry for not running the debug_test verb sooner. Without paste its irritating to copy from the forums.
No prob. Though next time you ask for help, please provide answers to all of the questions raised and comply with our requests so things will be easier for both of us.
Mind if I ask you another question about this library that seems to be causing an error?
Sure. What is the error?
I have a bit of code that looks like this
                if (key["south"] == 1)
icon_state = "CROUCH"
icon_state = "BATTLE"

(edit: that else if proc was the line after, sorry if it caused any confusion.)
During runtime this recieves a bad index error. I think its because I called key["south"] improperly.

runtime error: bad index
verb name: actiona (/mob/verb/actiona)
usr: Sleinth (/mob/Uchiha)
src: Sleinth (/mob/Uchiha)
call stack:
Sleinth (/mob/Uchiha): actiona()
Sleinth (/mob/Uchiha): key down("a", Sleinth (/client))
Sleinth (/client): KeyDown("a")
According to the message, the error is in /mob/verb/actiona. It is not the library's fault.

The problem is that you are using the mob's key variable. What you need is the client's keys var provided by the library.

if (client && client.keys["south"])
icon_state = "CROUCH"

Tip: When posting codes, it is desirable to include the complete path. An exception is if that info has already been established. (My code above)
// the code you want to show

Ya I know, however I already had tracked down where the problem was occurring and I had a pretty good idea of what was wrong. I just needed to see how I was supposed to use it. thank you for all your help.
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