Automatic thread subscriptions are now only generated when the hub author creates a new thread on that hub page, and only last for one viewing.
Applies to:Website
Status: Resolved

This issue has been resolved.
Whenever you become a fan of a game you're automatically subscribed to every single thread which gets posted on its forum. You receive alerts from all of them.

This is really annoying, please add an option to not do this. Being a fan of a game is important for BYOND's hub listing so it really sucks to be spammed when you just want to bump up a game's visibility.
Yeah, I had noticed this just recently myself. We could have an unsubscribe option or perhaps a page on your home tab where you can see thread activity (but won't be paged about it). I do want to make sure that new game content is visible to fans since they probably aren't regularly visiting those hub pages.

[Edit] I forget the heuristic we setup but the intent wasn't to be alerting on all posts-- it should be restricted to posts made by the owner (which would usually be updates). However, I noticed I was getting comment responses for some stuff I had fanned. So this may very well be a bug.
What you could do is only alert fans when new threads are posted by the hub author.
Yeah, that's how I thought it worked but as I noted above, it seems like there's an issue there. Anyway, that should be easy enough to change.
On the topic of forums, it'd be nice if there were more options as well. A 'disable' preference being one of them, that locks users from creating new threads/posts.
Higoten resolved issue with message:
Automatic thread subscriptions are now only generated when the hub author creates a new thread on that hub page, and only last for one viewing.