A minor Gears & Peers update
Gears & Peers was designed as a more casual game after projects like PathWrath 2 and Occupied Forces. However, I recently received a comment stating that the robot-crashing, scrap-collecting competition was too complicated. I chose to attempt simplifying the instructions and threw in a few small changes while I was there.
- The help file has been rewritten in the hopes of removing confusion.
- The separate credits and developer log pages have been removed. Credits are now displayed in a small section on the bottom of the help file.
- The mandatory section of the MOTD has been slightly condensed to leave a bit more room for a host's messages.
- Game buttons have been moved from the top to the bottom to line up with the social buttons and remove distraction from the viewing horizon.
- Macros using Alt have been added with button labels displaying the characters to use. I've been trying to do this with my more recent projects to resemble similar Windows hotkeys.
