var/plist[] = params2list(params)

usr << "screenloc = [plist["screen-loc"]]"

Problem description:
This outputs "screenloc = hud:5:20,1:19" as it's meant to. However, I was wondering if there was an in-built proc that could tell me which atom is at that location.

Why? Well I want to drag obj's onto a specific obj on my HUD to 'repair' them. I could do this manually by checking the screen-loc string for the right co-ords, but this is a bit inelegant, and if I ever need to do something similar again I'll have to manually work out the co-ords again. I'd much prefer an automatic way of doing this.

OR, is there a way of getting the atom I'm dropping the obj on straight from MouseDrop()? I've seen that it tells me the turf I drop it on if I drop it on to the main map, but it doesn't work on my HUD 'map'.
OR, is there a way of getting the atom I'm dropping the obj on straight from MouseDrop()?
did you even bother to open reference? It clearly says there how to do it and maybe has snippet.
Actually yes, I spent a good 20 minutes reading the Help, and I searched the forums, and I looked through Demos and Libraries, as I -always- do before resorting to posting in these forums. Exactly which part of the (really quite large) Help documentation are you referring to?
In response to Ease
The fact that "over_object" is the object under the mouse pointer.

That works for objects within the main (or should I say 'default') map, but not for the secondary one that I'm using as a HUD. I'm not just assuming this, I've tried it: Regardless of what object I drop my src on the over_object is returned as " ", a.k.a., a blank space.
Haha, awkward moment here... just realised that the grandfather (parent's parent) obj of my HUD obj's has mouse_opacity = 0, and the time I tried specifically putting "mouse_opacity=1" I must have Drag n' Dropped on to one of the small 'gaps' in the icon of the obj... so yeah, it works now.

Sorry for wasting your time(s).