BYOND Version:499
Operating System:Windows Vista Home Premium
Web Browser:Chrome 27.0.1453.110
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Resolved (499.1194)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary: If you've got a turf on the map that you remove or change the type path of in the code you're supposed to be able to compile, and then double click the error and edit the type path so that the turf is removed or replaced; ever since the change in Dream Maker's compiling system this has not been possible. This probably works with anything you can put on the map.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1: Place a couple of turfs on the map, compile; all is good.
2: Change the title of the turf, compile again, and get the undefined type error.
3: Double click the error, and you'll see that nothing happens; you can't edit the map or fix the turf.

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
> grass

//change to

> dirt

Expected Results:
Easy replacing, or removing of turfs that you've changed in the source code.

Actual Results:
No way to change the turfs, unless you remove all instances of them before changing them.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time.
In other games? Most likely.
In other user accounts? Most likely.
On other computers? Most likely.

When does the problem NOT occur?
Whenever you remove all instances of the turf from the map before editing the turfs type path.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? Uhh, 499.1189? or maybe 499.1182? Probably 1189. I know it was fine before the way compiling goes changed; which was a few versions ago.

Workarounds: Remove all instances of the turf from the map before changing its type path, which can be very... Frustrating.

Tom changed status to 'Verified'
Note, if you uncheck the map and then open it, it will allow you to correct it. But I'll fix it for 1194.
Ah, that's much easier. Thanks.
Tom resolved issue
Cloud Magic wrote:
If I may ask, what was changed to the map that broke this?

It was the change to how the compiler (on a separate thread from IDE now) interacted with the IDE (on a separate thread, as well).

The change was made so that the IDE could continue to process and respond to user interaction while compiler is compiling code. Because of this, map / object generation can't be trusted if a compilation fails so... you can't correct issues on the map until you have a successful compile.
Did I forget to make a report on this? I noticed it before the public release, by a week or three. Glad it got resolved before I noticed it again, lol.
Woot this is fixed now? :)