I Don't play many games, but I've played more FF games than anything else, and I wasn't too sure about many games after X But i plan on getting FFXVI which i believe I'll enjoy.

But on the other hand FFXV which I have not really followed at all, has some impressive gameplay.

Definitely moving away from classic turn based battles, and getting very actiony ~ not sure how I feel about this, but none the less I thought the game play trailer was impressive.

It does look nice and it's even a little different! Maybe this I'll be another revival for the series :o
I hope it's as enjoyable as it looks, I like the open world combat, team work thing going on.

@Asakura. I'm glad your cookie atom is back :)
The direction they have taken FF has killed it.

Nobody wants to play a movie as a game except children who have no taste in music or any other media.
Dammit Teka, you have an addiction!

Thank you though. ;p
It took them long enough. The original trailer came out in 2008. Or is this not the same game?

In response to EmpirezTeam
It is. They rebranded Final Fantasy Versus XIII to FFXV.
I don't even know what happens after 12, haven't finished it either.

I'm done with all things sony, they lost me as a customer forever when they did the all-too-common business folly of pricing themselves out of customers.
In response to EmpirezTeam
Took Dragon Age about four years after their Game Informer cover to release.
In response to NNAAAAHH
Took Dragon Age about four years after their Game Informer cover to release.

Nothings taking longer than Half Life 3. By the time that game comes out I'll have a bald head and grandchildren.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Took Dragon Age about four years after their Game Informer cover to release.

Nothings taking longer than Half Life 3. By the time that game comes out I'll have a bald head and grandchildren.

Lost faith in valve after TF2 and Hats, don't care about HL3 it probably doesn't even exist; Forget about Gabe, he is the worst person ever.

Why do you think I am making my own production?

The Greed and the Power have corrupted all of the mainstream devs, they only make games for money just like the movie industry ~ They have Zero Passion.

Just a bunch of suits who ruin games and Intellectual Property for money.
Yeah not too much of a Valve fan, never really was to begin with. They're completely butchering Dota 2, a game I put over 800 hours into, which is why I switched back to LoL. Whoever is behind the scenes making the decisions ( not sure if it's solely Icefrog or someone else ) needs to be tested for crack or something because each "major" update was more like a major disaster.

They nerf heroes who are already not viable, they don't review probably 90% of the player reports ( since after your first offense the system automatically punishes you for every following report ), their cash shop is designed mainly around gambling which means you're going to, on average, spend tons more in Dota 2 than HoN or LoL, they added some stupid "story" mode that no one ever uses, and they refuse to address the region issues which are allowing, for instance, a player in China to connect to a server in the US, which makes no sense since 9 times out of 10 unless he has some god-like connection, he's going to have 500 ping and not be able to move his hero at all, putting his team at a disadvantage before the game even starts. They have no sense of priority and it seems like they get their balancing advice from the 7 year olds who complain on the Steam forums about such and such hero being over-powered ( when in reality the problem is they suck ) yet time and time again, some of the top players have spoken out and declared which heroes were broken and those heroes remained, as far as I could tell, untouched. You know something is wrong when Valve ignores a player who won the Dota 2 International tournament but caters to a group of prepubescent crybabies who don't know what they're talking about.

I was having fun when I first joined but update after update the game just started spiraling downward and I'm not going back until I see someone with a brain start managing that game.
Like Pondera stated, they killed FF. Now, the only games I'm awaiting are Dragon Quest X and a new Elder Scroll game.

That is what listening to the ill-informed vocal masses and catering to money gets them and I have no doubts that they probably do all of what you mentioned.

That is why I ditched mainstream games and developers and am making my own world, where I can live how I want and maybe others will enjoy it too, who knows.

That is how games use to be made, with a vision and a direction and passion; Now that the movie industry invaded the gaming industry, "professional games" are pushed out via cookie-cutter just to make the most "profit" possible; The bean counters do the design and if there is a feature that may be cool but doesn't make money or requires more money, they strip that feature.

Mainstream gaming industry is in the can.

Develop your own worlds and put them to shame; That is my plan.
In response to AERProductions
Exactly why I don't play God of War.