If I define a macro like with
#define browse(P,O) _browse_proccess(P,O)

...I should still be able to use it like:

Dream Maker should automatically plug in the 'O' argument as 'null'.
This restriction is harming these macros' usefulness.
Can macros be overloaded?
#define browse(P) _browse_proccess(P)
#define browse(P,O) _browse_proccess(P,O)

If not, then there is my suggestion. =p
In response to Yota
Yota wrote:
Can macros be overloaded?
#define browse(P) _browse_proccess(P)
> #define browse(P,O) _browse_proccess(P,O)

If not, then there is my suggestion. =p

Nope, they can't (otherwise this suggestion would be obsoleted, since yeah, that would do).

Only normal macros (with no arguments) can be #defined multiple times. With "argumented" #defines, the next define overwrites the previous. :\
#define my_define(X,Y) (X+Y)
#define my_define(X,Y,Z) (X+Y+Z)
//without this next line, this would compile fine
mob/verb/test11() usr << my_define(1,1) //gives insufficient macro arguments error. using (1,1,1) fixes it