I was just curious if there is a way to set tags (ie. at the start of a particular function) so that a hotkey/macro could be used later to jump to that point in my code.

I realize there are two things I can easily do now:
1 - jump to a particular line #
2 - search for a text string (ie. the function name)

however, I keep all my code for a project in one file (yes, I know, this isn't recommended...), so the above methods aren't as efficient as tags would be.

If anyone has a method for achieving this now, please describe it. As a further example, I would want to do something like hit F1, or CTRL-M to jump to the start of my /mob code.

dramstud wrote:
I was just curious if there is a way to set tags (ie. at the start of a particular function) so that a hotkey/macro could be used later to jump to that point in my code.

Not that I'm aware of. You might try breaking up your code into separate files - clicking on a file icon on the left side is about the same amount of time as using some macro, and faster than searching for whatever you want.

however, I keep all my code for a project in one file (yes, I know, this isn't recommended...)

Oh. I resisted multiple files at first too, but really you should try it. I won't go back now, it really is much better.