O.k. Now I know at some point this comes up and is laughed out. But honestly want to ask being I can't seem to find it for functionality sake.

Is there a report function for the byond pager?

This being I have run into problems with people DDosing Game servers and otherwise using the byond pager as a hub to attack servers. While problematic, I can't find a place to report players using functions in the native code of Byond to break game.

I have code banned these players though my system but the continued problems I would like to report if possible for security of myself and my consumer base.

So wondering if this function exists and where it is?

Can you be more descriptive on how they are using the pager to attack you? I don't really understand that.

There is no report feature, as you have the power to pager ban people that should be done.

BYOND also has no control over your server, you said you are banning them so that's a good start, you should try banning IP computer_ID and key, also have a system to check for associate key ip and computer_id.
Actually did all that, there using a pager hack to get the IP addresses of servers they don't like hosted on RP Unlimited, then using the IP address though the pager hack clearing up the world IP to attack people's computers directly. While I code banned, computer ban, and IP banned. This is being done from outside the game itself. I only know from the player gloating about it to another player on the pager.

It was addressed to me as the designer and they would like this stopped.
Actually once you connect to the game BYOND's pager will convert the web based string into byond://IP:port in the users history, revealing the IP and port of the game you connect to.

There are plenty of other ways to retrieve the IP address when you are connected to the server such as WireShark.

You might want to look into other ways of banning the IP address or installing a firewall to somewhat stop the DDOS.
While this helps me, I do run an open download for a number of my players to host the game on there terms in smaller groups. This is leaving them with issues being they don't feel safe using the product I made while this is running rampant.
No matter what, if you host something for other people to join those people will have access to your IP in one way or another. This isn't limited to BYOND.
Noted, Thanks for the help. I will pass the word on to the concerned users.
In response to AnthonyHawkina
That is completely understandable, You as the programmer? (I assume) have implemented mechanisms in the game to the best of your ability to control abusive with the tools BYOND offers.

If a user chooses to host a public server they should be fully aware that any server side security or issues that aren't specifically connected to game issues such as crashes or infinite loops (you get the gist?) are solely up to the "host" or server to deal with.

A DDOS has nothing to do with your product/game and you can't do anything about it, except perhaps notifying the "host" or server admin how to deal with a DDOS on different Operating Systems.
I plan on just telling the Hosts to report it thought proper channels though the ISP. Being I was hoping to stop the user from abuse of the program. It's not a big issue, just was curious on how this is handled on BYOND's end.