BYOND Version:500.1205
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 23.0
Applies to:Website
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
This bug seems to be back. The latest versions of BYOND causes byond:// links to stop working in web browsers.

Rolling back to version 499.1204 will fix them.

Updating to 500.1205 will break them again.
Which browsers have you tested this with?
Did you update through the BYOND pager or use the BYOND installer with elevated privileges?
Tested with both Firefox and Chrome.

I used the installers from the website.
The installer hasn't changed, though, as far as I'm aware. There has to be something more to this regarding privileges. I recommend doing a full install as an administrator with the latest build.