mob = /mob/creating_character
name = "Dragonball Z: Hypnotic Existence"
hub = "Cyberlord34.DragonballZHypnoticExistence"
status = "Dragonball Z: Hypnotic Existence - <font color=red>Closed Testing"
view = 7
loop_checks = 0
map_format = TILED_ICON_MAP
var/savefile/Bs = new("Save Files/Bans.sav")
var/list/L = list()
Bs["Bans"] >> L
if(!L) return
for(var/obj/Save_Object/Ban/B in world) if(B.loc) del(B)
for(var/obj/Save_Object/Ban/B in L)
B.loc = locate(185,210,10)
var/savefile/Gs = new ("Save Files/Guilds.sav")
var/list/Ls = list()
Gs["Guilds"] >> Ls
if(!Ls) return
for(var/obj/Guild_Objects/Guild_Approved/G in world) if(G.loc) del(G)
for(var/obj/Guild_Objects/Guild_Approved/G in Ls)
G.loc = locate(185,210,10)
var/savefile/Bs = new("Save Files/Bans.sav")
var/list/L = list()
for(var/obj/Save_Object/Ban/B in world)
L += B
Bs["Bans"] << L
var/savefile/Gs = new("Save Files/Guilds.sav")
var/list/Ls = list()
for(var/obj/Guild_Objects/Guild_Approved/G in world)
Ls += G
Gs["Guilds"] << Ls
Problem description:
Whenever I Restart the server, the objects don't get loaded. Basically the save isn't working. Can anybody tell me what I should look up, or what to do to make a better method?