set category = "Aurors"
set name = "Auror Robes"
usr << "You can use this while you are transformed"
if(usr.icon_state == "Auror")
usr.icon = 'icons/base.dmi'
usr.icon_state = usr.oldtransicon
usr.robes = 0
else if(!usr.icon_state == "Auror")
usr.icon = 'icons/base.dmi'
usr.icon_state = usr.oldtransicon
usr.robes = 0
usr.oldtransicon = usr.icon_state
usr.icon = 'icons/base.dmi'
usr.icon_state = "Auror"
usr.robes = 1
Problem description:
The problem is that the robe now does undo and change me back dont know why?
I had problems with icons it if I used one robe then used another then took off that one and the other one it left the base icon invisible this is because the oldtransicon cant store more than one change and bugged so I made this but its not working. There is another two codes like this on for DE and another for Admin can anyone help?
Use Robe A
Use Robe B (Is this possible? Thought you couldn't use a second robe?)
Remove Robe B
Robe A is still there, and base icon is null(?)
Some problem with oldtransicon(?)
Could you try and clarify?
The only thing that I can see might being a problem, is that oldtransicon might be null when you're setting usr.icon_state = usr.oldtransicon?