I added a DblClick() to an NPc and it was work fine until I added a proc to the code Ive double and triple checked it and it seems fine to me can some point out the problem for me.
Academy President
icon = 'Enemies.dmi'
icon_state = "Class Expert"
alert("Hello. I am The President of the South Island Acadamy. I am temporarly teach because we are short staffed.","Acadamy President")
switch(input("What do you need?","Academy President") in list("Learn about different classes","Become a new class","Quests","Nothing, Ill come back"))
if ("Learn about different classes")
switch(input("Which Class do you wish to learn about? If the Class isnt here we dont teach it.","Academy President")in list("Fighter","Spellcaster","Priest","Rogue","Monk","Telepa th","Hunter","Wanderer","Gunmen"))
if ("Fighter")
alert("not done yet")
if ("Spellcaster")
alert("not done yet")
if ("Priest")
alert("not done yet")
if ("Become a new class")
switch(input("Which class do you wish to become?","Academy President") in list("Fighter","Gunmen","Rogue","Monk","Hunter","Wanderer"))
if ("Fighter")
if (usr.afexp == 0)
alert("You have to do quests before you can become a fighter. Ill help you as much as I can.","Academy President")
usr.afexp = 1
if (usr.afexp < 1000)
alert("You still need more apprentice experience to advance","Academy President")
if (usr.afexp >= 1000)
if ("Quests")
alert("havent done them yet will do as soon as possible.")
if ("Nothing, Ill come back")

cclass = "Fighter"
src.WP += 3

I would post hte problems but there are like 100 and Im sure they are all from one thing. any help would be great thanks.
Ugh, that's looks uber messy. Use DM tags next time, or edit your post with DM tags right now. =) (EX. <'DM> </'DM> [Without the quotes of course!])
icon = 'Body.dmi'
icon_state = "Class Expert"

This code was very very very messy i only got these done the rest eh was to much for my browser to figure out.

//Bad Academy President
//Bad Academy-President
//good AcademyPresident
//good Academy_President

Learn more on how to use indentation properly
for your own good lol.