Problem description:

When I'm using dreammaker I can create good looking maps where the turfs are actually on top of each other, but when I'm in-game it gets messy and it appears as if the bottom turf just dissappears. How to fix this?

More than likely, all you need to do is give your base grass state a name (More info)
I found out that the problem only happened when I copied the map file using forum_account's mapinstancing lib

src.cave = maps.copy(15)
src.loc = locate(16, 152, src.cave.z)

The original map on z=15 is good but when it copies it to z=16 it gets messy
FA's Map Instancing library only does a shallow copy of the map, copying the turfs and objects by type. It doesn't copy over any other variables such as overlays, underlays, ect.

You could switch to using /obj's for your edges, instead of layering turfs. Or you could switch to another map system (I don't think there are any as easy as FA's right now)