I'm trying to make a door actually function as one icon without making a multi-tile icon.

It's 32x64.

I want to be able to create open, and close functions on the door as well. However, if I was to do that with a multi-tile icon, it wouldn't work correctly.

Any suggestions, or solutions to this problem?
Recently BYOND added native pixel movement and bounding boxes, so in this case all you'd need to do is change the door's bound_height to 64.
In response to LordAndrew
How would I put this in the code exactly? It goes as undefined variable, and when I put it into the atom/moveable/bound_height = 64

It ended up making some of my turfs being able to be opened and closed.
In response to Zewo
Oh, your doors are /turfs? bound_height is a /atom/movable variable. You'd need to change the door to an /obj to make it work, I'm afraid.