Shonen Jump Battlers - Season 1

by Mana Production
Shonen Jump Battlers - Season 1
A fighting game based off Heroes of Shonen Jump by Team Mana - Who will be the best battler?

- Open Beta, Everyone Welcome -

The answer lies in the heart of battle. Fight your way to become the best fighter in SJB. Meet new friends, new rivals. Become a Master as one of SJB's Characters. Make a team and fight for number one! Are you ready to battle?

Shonen Jump Battlers

--------General Rules-------
1. Don't abuse glitches.
2. Feel free to ask about a possible pwipe.
3. Use appropriate language, including names of characters.
4. Don't ask for GM.
5. No advertising.
6. Obey GM/Owner judgement.
7. No spamming.
8. No bragging.
9. Don't avoid punishment given.