I can't seem to figure out how to make a function to determine if one point is inside the rectangle when the rectangle is at a specific angle. Any help would be grateful.

Here is my rectangle and point datum and how the rectangle is setup:
New(_x, _y)
x = _x
y = _y

tl//top left
tr//top right
br//bottom right
bl//bottom left
proc/pointInRect(_x, _y)
return [If the point is inside the rectangle return TRUE]

var/trig_rect/rect = loadGraphics(40, 110, 140)

proc/loadGraphics(angle, x, y, trig_rect/rectangle = null)
base_width = 40
base_height = 30
base_x = x
base_y = y

trig_rect/rect = new = new((angle + 90 == 90 || angle + 90 == 270 ? base_x : base_x + base_height * cos(angle + 90)), (angle + 90 == 180 || angle + 90 == 360 ? base_y : base_y + base_height * sin(angle + 90))) = new((angle == 90 || angle == 270 ? base_x : base_x + base_width * cos(angle)), (angle == 180 || angle == 360 ? base_y : base_y + base_width * sin(angle))) = new((angle == 90 || angle == 270 ? base_x : base_x + base_width * cos(angle)), (angle == 180 || angle == 360 ? base_y : base_y + base_width * sin(angle))) = new(base_x, base_y)
rect.width = base_width
rect.height = base_height
rect.angle = angle

return rect

All the points for the rectangle are known when the rectangle is at any given angle.
Hi Zaltron,

If I understood your question correctly... to check if any pt is inside any convex polygon, consider this calculation:

|x1 y1 1|
|x2 y2 1|
|x3 y3 1|

Where the lines mean determinant. Given point P, if we feed it the following point sets: {tl, tr, P}, {tr, br, P}, {br, bl, P} and {bl, tl, P}, we know P is inside the body if all results are either positive or negative (to generalise for a polygon with a different amount of points, simply create these sets by choosing a point in the polygon and progressing clockwise). At least I'm pretty sure we do. Make sure you check!

edit: I should really double-check what I'm writing! In any case this should work.

This should do it:

    proc/pointInRect(_x, _y)
leftX = tl.x-bl.x
leftY = tl.y-bl.y
leftNormalX = -leftY
leftNormalY = leftX
bottomX = br.x-bl.x
bottomY = br.y-bl.y
bottomNormalX = -bottomY
bottomNormalY = bottomX

// If the dot-product between the vector to the point being tested and the
// normal of each side is <= 0, then the point is "behind" the side and
// within the rectangle.

// Test left side
if(leftNormalX*(_x-bl.x) + leftNormalY*(_y-bl.y) > 0) return 0
// Test bottom side
if(bottomNormalX*(_x-bl.x) + bottomNormalY*(_y-bl.y) > 0) return 0
// Test right side (in opposite direction of left side)
if(-leftNormalX*(_x-tr.x) + -leftNormalY*(_y-tr.y) > 0) return 0
// Test top side (in opposite direction of bottom side)
if(-bottomNormalX*(_x-tr.x) + -bottomNormalY*(_y-tr.y) > 0) return 0

return 1

It creates the normals for the four planes of the rectangle, and then dot-products them with the vector pointing towards the point. If the dot-product is <=0, the point is "on" or "behind" the plane being tested. If it is behind all four planes, the point is inside the rectangle.
In response to DarkCampainger
Something is a bit off. The whole rectangle in the picture is the rectangle in which I'm trying to not let any points be drawn in. There is something wrong with the checks on the upper left corner. Also I change the 2nd check to a < sign. Otherwise it didn't work at all and showed all the rectangles. I haven't been able to figure out why the rest is messing up yet. Also, thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.

if(bottomNormalX*(_x-bl.x) + bottomNormalY*(_y-bl.y) < 0) return 0

In response to Toadfish
I forgot to mention, if you don't know what a determinant is, the calculation is simply:

proc/calc(point/p1, point/p2, point/p3)
return (p2.x*p3.y - p2.y*p3.x -p1.x*p3.y + p1.y*p3.x + p1.x*p2.y - p1.y*p2.x)
In response to Zaltron
Turns out we both made a mistake! :)

My bottom and top normals were flipped, because the vectors were calculated going CCW rather than CW.

Here's the corrected version:
tl//top left
tr//top right
br//bottom right
bl//bottom left
proc/pointInRect(_x, _y)
leftX = tl.x-bl.x // Vectors pointing in CW dir
leftY = tl.y-bl.y
leftNormalX = -leftY // Normal is vector rotated 90 Deg CCW
leftNormalY = leftX
bottomX = bl.x-br.x // Vectors pointing in CW dir
bottomY = bl.y-br.y
bottomNormalX = -bottomY // Normal is vector rotated 90 Deg CCW
bottomNormalY = bottomX

// If the dot-product between the vector to the point being tested and the
// normal of each side is <= 0, then the point is "behind" the side and
// within the rectangle.

// Test left side
if(leftNormalX*(_x-bl.x) + leftNormalY*(_y-bl.y) > 0) return 0
// Test bottom side
if(bottomNormalX*(_x-br.x) + bottomNormalY*(_y-br.y) > 0) return 0
// Test right side (in opposite direction of left side)
if(-leftNormalX*(_x-tr.x) + -leftNormalY*(_y-tr.y) > 0) return 0
// Test top side (in opposite direction of bottom side)
if(-bottomNormalX*(_x-tl.x) + -bottomNormalY*(_y-tl.y) > 0) return 0

return 1

You also weren't calculating the Top-Right corner point, but were instead setting it to the same value as the Bottom-Right. I moved some things around trying to make sense of it, but it's still the same basic process you had before:

proc/loadGraphics(angle, x, y, trig_rect/rectangle = null)
base_width = 40
base_height = 30
base_x = x
base_y = y
Cos = cos(angle)
Sin = sin(angle)

trig_rect/rect = new

// Calculate rotated vectors
// Top-left (Note: cos(a+90) == -sin(a) and sin(a+90) == cos(a) ) = new( (angle + 90 == 90 || angle + 90 == 270) ? 0 : (base_height * -Sin), \
(angle + 90 == 180 || angle + 90 == 360) ? 0 : (base_height * Cos) )
// Bottom-right = new( (angle == 90 || angle == 270) ? 0 : (base_width * Cos), \
(angle == 180 || angle == 360) ? 0 : (base_width * Sin) )

// Top-right is sum of Top-left and Bottom-right = new(,

// Transpose to base coordinates = new(base_x, base_y) += base_x += base_y += base_x += base_y += base_x += base_y

rect.width = base_width
rect.height = base_height
rect.angle = angle

return rect

I've tested it and it appears to be working right now. However, keep in mind that if you're using this to do rect-rect collisions, you'll run into issues when the rectangles intersect in their centers, but their corners are outside one another, such as with a cross.

In response to DarkCampainger
haha, I actually just figured out that I did taht with the top right corner. I was trying to fix things up but you beat me to it. :) Thanks again!
In response to DarkCampainger
Your way looks much neater than mine. Also, I thought you'd like to know I got ToadFish's way to work as well. That's how I stumbled upon my error.

    proc/pointInRect(_x, _y)
var/point/p = new(_x, _y)
if(calc(tl, tr, p) > 0) return 0
if(calc(br, tr, p) < 0) return 0
if(calc(bl, br, p) < 0) return 0
if(calc(bl, tl, p) > 0) return 0
return 1
proc/calc(point/p1, point/p2, point/p3)
return (p2.x*p3.y - p2.y*p3.x -p1.x*p3.y + p1.y*p3.x + p1.x*p2.y - p1.y*p2.x)
In response to Toadfish
Thanks for your help. When trying to figure out how to do it your way I stumbled upon an error I made which DarkCampainger caught as well. I wasn't calculating the top right corner correctly. Here is a link to a post listing how I used your code to get it to work. Now I have two solutions to this problem. :)
In response to Zaltron
Good to hear it's working.

ToadFish's method is definitely more powerful, and could be reused for any convex polygon shape. If you got it working, you might want to keep it, as the performance difference is only a few multiplication operations.
In response to DarkCampainger
I got my method working too. Messing up on the top right corner really made things difficult. Here is how I did it:

    proc/pointInRect(_x, _y)
bottom = _y - bl.y - ((br.y - bl.y)/(br.x - bl.x)) * (_x - bl.x)
top = _y - tl.y - ((tr.y - tl.y)/(tr.x - tl.x)) * (_x - tl.x)
right = _y - tr.y - ((br.y - tr.y)/(br.x - tr.x)) * (_x - tr.x)
left = _y - bl.y - ((tl.y - bl.y)/(tl.x - bl.x)) * (_x - bl.x)
return (bottom >= 0 && top <= 0 && right <= 0 && left >= 0)
In response to DarkCampainger
Unless I'm under analyzing it, it's probably easily generalisable for 3D, or really X-dimensional shapes, too. But don't take my word for it.

Incidentally 'toadfish' is the name given to a variety of horribly cute fish from the Batrachoididae fish family. :P
In response to Zaltron
Now I have two solutions to this problem. :)

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think
"I know, I'll post on the Developer How-To Forum". Now they have two solutions.
(with apologies to Jamie Zawinski)
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
Now I have two solutions to this problem. :)

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think
"I know, I'll post on the Developer How-To Forum". Now they have two solutions.
(with apologies to Jamie Zawinski)

Three. :)