I have this code that modifies the user's Guild Page var's.

set category = "Guild"
for(var/obj/SpecialObjs/Guild_Objects/Guild_Approved/G in world)
if( == usr.guildname)
switch(input("What would you like to change about the guild page?","Manage Guild Page") in list ("Background Color","Text Color","Change Text","Cancel"))
if("Background Color")
G.background = input("What would you like your guild page background to be?\n- It is best to have a dark background color and a light text color","Guild Background Golor")as color|null
if("Text Color")
G.textcolor = input("What would you like your guild page text to be?\n- It is best to have a light text color and a dark background","Guild Text Color")as color|null
if("Change Text")
G.maintext = input("What would you like to change about your guild page text?\n- Any type of HTML is allowed","Guild Main Text")as message|null

Under the part "if("Change Text")", how would you make it so when you press 'Change Text', in the box where you type in the new text for the guild page, it shows the old text as well in the box?
Simply get the old value and pass it to the third argument of input() (well, fourth argument if you want to be technical)
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
Simply get the old value and pass it to the third argument of input() (well, fourth argument if you want to be technical)

Ahhh, Thanks.