hey all i really need a good ranking sytem for my bleach game. in which i dot't know how to do and i tried asking people but,they don't know so, could u help me. It can be manually or automatic. Judt if auto i want it to be able 2 have only 3 of each rank.

thanks for all ur help regardless.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:

this doesn't help me at all i need the exact coding for it.
In response to Boakev12
I think you have mistaken the Developer-How-To forum for a 'make me my game-request'.
The forum is more intended for those willing to learn and just need a push into the right direction.
What you seem to want is the Classified Ads forum, or, for an Animé game, the BYOND Animé Classified Ads.