I got a quesion pls answer if u can.
I know that its true that u can code HTML in BYOND but can u code CSS or C++ or Javascript in DM?? In other words are other languages allowed in DM??
I ask this because i want to code Javascript/CSS in a tab so its more presentable
![]() Apr 15 2008, 4:42 am
![]() Apr 15 2008, 4:46 am
You can use Javascript in a browser element, CSS in most of the elements and C/C++ only in a DLL. You probably won't be able to customize your info tabs with CSS, and I know it won't accept any javascript. You can use a browser element, or try and come up with another design that looks better than tabs.
Hmm so javascripit isnt supported in tabs darn >.< could u give me an example to get me started on custamizing my tabs???
Also whats DLL??? |
Like I said, I don't think you are going to be able to customize them much, beyond altering the color and font used. You're better off coming up with another design that doesn't use tabs. DLLs are dynamic link libraries written in C/C++ and included with the game. I don't know much about them, so I can't really explain how they're used. They won't help you here, though, so no need to worry about them.
Darn >.> wheres data when i need him he coded a javascript admin system ages ago for me but it wont work thats why i asked well it did work but i was messing with it and i bugged it
*Edit* Oh no scratch all that its CSS it has a background colour and drop down bar and its pretty kwl how would i code my own??? Id like a header on it and verbs under neith u have any clue how to do it oh and a black background pls help me if u can |
Chrislee123 wrote:
I got a quesion pls answer if u can. C++ no. JavaScript only in a browser control. CSS is not a language, though, but a format spec. It's allowed in anything that accepts HTML-styled text, such as output controls and grids. I ask this because i want to code Javascript/CSS in a tab so its more presentable The tab itself isn't really possible to stylize at the present time, except for changing the font. (It might be nice, but is not currently on the drawing board, to include bold/italic/etc. in the font-family parameter or have a separate parameter for style, for elements that don't support HTML/CSS.) It has been suggested in the past that different-colored tabs would be cool, or different-colored text in tabs, though that would require some retooling so it's a back-burner project if it's ever implemented. More likely on the horizon would be icons in tabs. Lummox JR |
Hmm but data coded a admin system and u click on the admin tb and the back is black yet the tab is a different colour it also has a drop-down menu and etc how is this possible???
Also do you know how i may chnage the background of a tab or even add a Title??? |
Chrislee123 wrote:
Hmm but data coded a admin system and u click on the admin tb and the back is black yet the tab is a different colour it also has a drop-down menu and etc how is this possible??? By background I assume you don't mean the tab itself or the tab control, but rather the background of the content within it. At least that's what I'm picking up from what you're saying. In BYOND the tab control works by adding panes to it. A pane is just a window you create in your skin editor, but when you create it you check the box that says "Is a pane". The title you choose for this pane will appear in the tabs if you add it to a tab control. To use the pane in a tab control, you would do something like this: winset(usr, "mytabs", "tabs=scorepane,adminpane") You can also set up the tabs when editing your tab control. Lummox JR |
YEY ty ^.^ are u any good with the interface because i had another quesion to do with interface and it seems the person didnt answer it in his first post and has logged off if u have any time can u take a look and if u know the cammand pls tell me cause i really want it.
http://www.byond.com/developer/forum/?id=630894&display=1 |
Have you read my skin tutorial on Dream Makers? I think a lot of your questions would be answered there.
Lummox JR |
Hmm i read Kakashi's skin tutorial but i dont really learn from reading tutorials i learn by doing stuff that may sound weird but thats how i am. and kakashii's tutorial didnt really do much. Taught me the basics though.
What if you put a browser control in the window for each tab?
Or if you are talking about the part that sticks up top, how about sticking a command button over each one that has an image of whatever you want. Have it trigger a verb that winsets to the current-tab it is covering. |