I would like to know what the code is for a tree.

What I mean is how do I make it were an icon can't pass through the tree but when it walks behide a tree it looks like it pass behide it.

Thanks for reading.
Give it an overlay, make the overlay's layer above players.
I think that's what you mean...
Either way wrong section
In response to Z-warrior-Z
No, I think he means a tall tree, one with a base that is dense and one which is the top and not dense, to hide the player.

new/obj/TreeO(get_step(src,NORTH)) //This way you just have to put the tree somewhere, and TreeO will appear above it.
density=0 //This makes you able to walk under it.
layer=MOB_LAYER+1 //This will make the tree over the player's icon.

I guess this is the games forum and the DM tags don't work properly :)

Post in Developer How-To.
In response to Kaiochao2536