(See the best response by Pokemonred200.)
Problem description:

How can one change the layer of maptext? Mine (maptext on turfs) keeps appearing beneath objects on/near said-turf. I suspect this is because the turf layer is beneath the object layer - I'd like to just change the layer of the maptext, rather than create an object on that turf just to hold the maptext.
Best response
Try creating a seperate object, set a layer to that object, and add it to the layer on your turf. Example:

var obj/O = new
var turf/T = locate(1,1,1) // Example Turf Location
O.maptext = "text"
T.overlays += O
You could attach the maptext onto an images overlays and then add that image onto the turf, after adjusting the image's layer.
Thank you for the kind advice and suggestions; I'll give both a try when I have a minute.

Tis a bit of a shame such functionality isn't in-built to maptext, as I suspect it wouldn't be too hard to implement.

<edit>Before this gets remarked as "ungrateful" - I understand and respect the huge work load before Tom and LJR; I just meant that this seems like it'd be a useful and easily implemented addition</edit>