Guardians' Song

by AnthonyHawkina
Guardians' Song
A Play-by-Post RPG, Join a journey into the multiverse of the Guardians' Song
This section is for your Questions about RP Unlimited. Keep in mind this is still in Beta and we are setting up for a finalization design still. If nothing else please keep civil in this forum, all inappropriate post will be removed. Do not request for Code Bans to be Removed or Added here. Please address AnthonyHawkina directly for this. If you are blocked by the staff it normally means we are tired of putting up with your business.
How many player badges are there, and what do each of them stand for?
Obviously I'm talking about the badges next to a person's name while talking in OOC. (Also, are there going to be more in the future?)
Currently their is 4, The work like this from left to right.

Byond Membership, Subscriber / Server Supporter, Development Team, Server Administration Team.

Byond Membership is the Byond symbol.

The gold star belongs to Subscribers
The silver star belongs to Server Supporters (Being Subscriber overrides this)

Their is various symbols for the dev team, mostly being a double set of stars for coders, or my own being a specialized shield.

The Administration Team Shields goes as Follows.
Gold Shield is Head Admins
Silver Shield is normal Admins
Copper/Bronze Shield is Moderators

As for future plans, we have talked about a marker for player powers or something like that. This being on the table but not sure what. Otherwise for more beyond this we have no plan for them but see what people ask for.
Being the recent addition, I thought I should comment. We recently added a set of crossed swords to represent Player Powers
Well since there doesn't seem to be a better section for something like this, I'll bring it up here.

This happened just a little bit ago and I have no idea where Lloyd is getting this from. I haven't been on any other RP games at all (and if i have the last time would've been months ago). I don't understand where he's getting this claim but basically my question is if there's any proof at all to this? I don't like being accused and threatened to be banned without reason, especially on a game that I've donated to and enjoy.
Someone has has been impersonating Lloyd under the key LIoyd Isthar. Keep in mind Lloyd's key is Lloyd Ishtar. This user has been banned for this and we did post something in the message board about a month back. It was reported to Byond and we are awaiting news. Either or we are sorry for this inconvenience as we have been trying to warn people of this for a while. It is a hoax and please just block the user in the future.