Keywords: help, maxz, questions, ugh
(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
So, I was wondering. Well, I am having trouble with this maxz level thing. Imagine an FF like game that created a new Z level every time you went to battle. But at the end of the battle, it doesn't delete (when I tried to have it delete that Z crashed).

Should I worry about unlimited Z levels? Would it increase the RSC a lot...or should I just cool off?

If this is a bad thing to do...could someone please elaborate! I have a plan B, but I really like the idea of just going to a new Z level instead of making things complicated if they don't need to be.

Best response
Don't you think you should reuse levels that aren't in use? You don't have to create a new level every time you need one.

Or, you could use screen objects instead to display everything in the battle screen, and not have to deal with that map instancing stuff.
Well, it does use screen objects. Though, maybe I could make up a black screen object that shows a higher layer than the mobs (maybe up the mob layers so only they could be seen). That way it'll be unnecessary to have different Z levels.
Nope...Can't do this either because if someone were to battle right next to them, then they'll be shown onto their battle screen. :/

Hm, I'll see what I can do with the reusing z levels that aren't being used.
In response to Audio freak XD
You could just blind the people in battle so that they only see what's in their HUD. Or, you could just move them off the map (into the void) until the battle ends. There are multiple ways to do that.
You don't understand. They see themselves and the monsters they are battling:

If I blind the people then they won't see the monster/themselves...
In response to Audio freak XD
That's why I suggested that you make everything screen objects. That includes fighter avatars.
I'll give that a try then.
OK~Excellent plan. Now I have nothing to worry about. Thank you!!