May 29 2015, 12:26 am
I'm aware of offloading the access to multiple servers, I didn't say "but there's no way to..." I said "unless you had a way", if the guy's got the resources to handle the traffic more power to him, but that's a terrible amount of usage for any BYOND game regardless of what we're talking. Sounds like he's either doing something poorly or pushing the engine really hard in a really complicated way.
In response to Nadrew
I don't get why you're being so hostile man, chill out I didn't do anything wrong.
I admit, I am pushing the engine hard, but I know it can run it too. Mostly looking at showing BYOND is more then the bad credit I see from outside the community.
I know the limitation of the engine and seeing if there is small fixes or possibility to open the door where BYOND could be used as Tom wanted, To build your own net dream. I just dream big, was always taught to shoot for the moon, then at least you land among the stars. |
No hostility meant, just pointing out that the numbers he's talking are almost hilariously large for a BYOND game.
Adding to this topic, it's a semi regular complaint that somebody will have to restart their client in the middle of a round and have to redownload the entire RSC again despite the current session being the same one they were just playing in.
Ya, this was hinted at earlier in this thread, it seems it happens when the total size of the cache folder reaches some limit.
This gets reached by ss13 servers quickly because every browse window has their html stored there. |
I think it would probably help big games if I took a look at current limits on the cache folder and .rsc and looked into letting them grow some more.
Just happened to me in ROTP, which I don't really consider a "big" game, as it's only 27.8MB
I've noticed this happening as well, not sure what the issue is but complains were common back in the long long ago, I thought it was normal though.
In response to Godtetsu
In which version? I did up some limits in 508.1289.