Understanding the basics...
This information can be found in its original format on the website forums: http://pondera.aerproductions.com - forums - Tree of Knowledge
Welcome to your first glance of Knowledge! This tutorial will explain the fundamentals of playing in Pondera.
 Let's Begin:
- The Arrow or WASD keys provide motion and facilitate the opening of doors and strategic movement.
- Double click your surroundings to run and to utilize mouse commands such as Drink Water/Use/Chop/Mine; Click to Equip/Unequip Tools/Armor/etc and to Sow seeds/Alternately Use objects.
- Utilize Macros: X is Stand Still, C is Strafe, V is Run. Ctrl+E for Quick-Unequip menu, Ctrl+G for Quick-Get and Ctrl+Mouse wheel/+ - for Zoom.
- Consumables such as Meat or Berries and Water restore Health and Stamina, respectively. They are crucial to surviving in Pondera.
- With the associated tool equipped (see basics), select the button corresponding to said tool and choose your desired build object. You must have the Prerequisite rank and materials to build.
- Tool info: Shovel=Dig, Hammer=Build/Smith, Gloves=Smelt/Heat, Carving Knife=Carve+Flint=Start fires, Hoe=Sow, Sickle=Cut Sprouts/Harvest, Axe=Chop/Cut, Jar=Fill with water, Pickaxe=Mine.
- Tip: Press enter after highlighting your selection (via Arrows/WASD or mouse) for a faster confirmation.
- Tip: Keep an eye on your command tab. It stores important commands such as that of which you'll be using to prepare your forge or fire for lighting. (this may be changed in the future!)