(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Hello, I just did a hard wipe on my computer. I re downloaded BYOND and press Join to play a game, but nothing happened. No window popped up or anything. I restarted my computer and again nothing happened. This has never happened before when I wiped and reset my computer. My Byond is also on the updated version. Please help.
Avast is the problem. It's mistakenly triggering on BYOND. You need to add all of the programs in BYOND's directory to its exception list, and report it as a false positive to Avast.
How would I do that?
Best response
Open up Avast and find its exception list, and add the BYOND directory (probably C:\Program Files (x86)\BYOND) to that. Then go to their site and report that they've hit a false positive for dreamseeker.exe.
I don't have AVast, should I download it?
Never mind I fixed it, I had downloaded it the wrong way.