(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Problem description:
The problem i am having is i want to make an obj that a player can see while no other player can.
Invisiblity does not work for this. If the other player is set to an equal or higher invisibility they see it as well.
I played around with making it a HUD obj but I found no way to place the obj on the map instead of having it set to a screen loc.
If anyone knows a way to solve this please help.
Just use the output operator <<, and images variable and have it only shown to the specified player.
Best response
Look up image() in the reference; that's what you need. An image is like a special kind of overlay that attaches to an object, and you can make it visible to only specific players.
Thanks for your help. This looks like exactly what i needed
Also compare screen_loc and client.screen; those are used for HUD objects, which stay in one place on a player's screen.