Duel Monsters Millennia

by Nailez
Duel Monsters Millennia
An online, automatic version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game.
BYOND Version:510
Operating System:Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 51.0.2704.103
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Resolved (0.52a)

This issue has been resolved.
If you play Soul Exchange and select an opponent's monster to tribute summon a monster, once it goes through and your monster is summoned, you can use Ultimate Offering to tribute summon another monster, but the monster who was affected by Soul Exchange can be used, even though it's in the graveyard (a free tribute summon basically)


1. I have two monsters and a face-down Ultimate Offering
2. I use Soul Exchange and target the only monster my opponent controls
3. I tribute summon Judge Man using my opponent's monster
4. I activate Ultimate Offering and pay 500
5. I SHOULD be able to tribute my other monster, but Soul Exchange's effect lingers, and I can use the already tributed monster my opponent had (Which is in the grave now)
6. It goes through, and I summon Swordstalker for free
Nailez changed status to 'Verified'
This was an amazing find, thank you!

I have resolved it in 0.52a
Nailez resolved issue