
by Lummox JR
Load, save, and reuse temporary maps for unlimited worlds
So I'm trying to create a tutorial cutscene template and im sure i did everything right, including the maap conversion but this is the error i get on Dreamseeker everytime...

Welcome BYOND! (5.0 Public Version 510.1347)
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Logged in as Anime HQ.
Connecting to file://C:\Users\Baba Mychel\Dropbox\Nin Online v2\Nin Online v2.dmb...connected
runtime error: bad loc
proc name: Read (/atom/Read)
source file: SwapMaps.dm,473
usr: the hj (/mob)
src: Density (1,48,7) (/turf/Density)
usr.loc: 1 (140,11,1) (/turf/world_map/MAIN/dirt1/_1)
call stack:
Density (1,48,7) (/turf/Density): Read(C:\\Users\\Baba Mychel\\Docume... (/savefile))
/swapmap (/swapmap): Read(C:\\Users\\Baba Mychel\\Docume... (/savefile), /swapmap (/swapmap), null)
SwapMaps CreateFromTemplate("Tutorial.dmm")
the hj (/mob): Next2()
runtime error: Cannot create objects of type null.
proc name: Read (/swapmap/Read)
source file: SwapMaps.dm,276
usr: the hj (/mob)
src: /swapmap (/swapmap)
usr.loc: 1 (140,11,1) (/turf/world_map/MAIN/dirt1/_1)
call stack:
/swapmap (/swapmap): Read(C:\\Users\\Baba Mychel\\Docume... (/savefile), /swapmap (/swapmap), null)
SwapMaps CreateFromTemplate("Tutorial.dmm")
the hj (/mob): Next2()
It seems as though the problem is that one of the type paths isn't being recognized as valid in your .dmm file.
Yeah i got that from the error message but i mean the codes are all ok and its compiling well so idk why swapmaps can't read it