Descriptive Problem Summary:

Okay, I want to preface this by saying I mostly play only SS13, and this happened without updating, so I considered it a SS13-related issue.

However, it now happens to me on every SS13 server I play on and thus I am making a BYOND bug report.

The issue is that whenever I open a new window within BYOND (like most computers / menus etc. in SS13), the interface will come up blank. This includes html windows, as well as tgui/nanoui etc. special display systems SS13 uses. I noticed the issue first when I had two SS13 servers open at once with differing display libraries (tg servers use tgui, and bay servers use nanoui). I updated BYOND, cleared the cache through the pager AND manually, and now am considering just a clean install. The issue is fixed by relogging, and bizarrely, by spamming the "changelog" button most SS13 servers have and then trying to re-open the interface that was blank before. I've noticed spamming other interfaces works as well to unbreak blank ones.

Usually the issue goes away after relogging or using the above method, then returns soon after. I am unsure the cause, why I need to spam other interfaces open and closed to fix it, and why it only started happening recently to me. This may be related to SS13 code but because it is now cross-codebase there is no way for me to report it or ask for help, sans maybe making a bug report on a specific codebase and hoping a fix or someone to find the cause.

I am also unsure if this is specific to SS13 or with BYOND in general and other servers.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Attempt to open a window interface in a BYOND game (so far only attempted by me in SS13)
2. The window will sometimes just be completely blank, though it retains its intended size.
3. Spam open and close another window interface until the previous one works.

Expected Results:

The window would open properly and show contents / buttons to press.

Actual Results:
It is blank and white.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
About 50% of the time when using a window, it's fixed for a little bit after using the workaround, then returns.
In other games?
Unknown, I will test this on other BYOND games.
In other user accounts?
On other computers?

When does the problem NOT occur?
So far I've never encountered the issue in the "changelog" tab most SS13 games have, and have been using that as a fix. It appears only certain windows freeze the interface, and the ones that don't freeze can be used to unfreeze it.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)

The issue appears to be independent of version. It only affected the older version I was running after an unknown cause, and persists to newer verions. That is, the issue appeared randomly without me updating, after having never experiencing it on the version I was on. I tried to update to solve it and the issue persists.


Find a window interface that opens without being blank, spam it, and then all the windows magically work again.

In response to Vivalas
This is probably related to
In response to Vivalas
Yep, that is exactly the issue.
Oh, I guess these got merged.

This is happening to me as well, and I can confirm that certain things like the changelog never break, and also fix the other windows.

Another bit of info, I only noticed this bug after having two SS13 instances open at once of different servers. One was baycode and the other was tgcode and I think there might have been some interplay happening between the differing display methods each codebase uses. I don't think an update broke this for me and I never noticed it before then.

EDIT: This also happens on the stable versions, so not sure it qualifies as a beta bug.
When this bug report was first made, 511 was still in beta, hence why it's in this forums.
You can reproduce this bug in windows 7 (and maybe 10) by changing your systems locale to japanese.

(Locale here refers to default codepage, rather then interface language.)

Its common for english speakers to do this if they want to run japanese programs, usually anime oriented games, app locale and locale emulator can be hit or miss if the programs load up resource files with japanese names.

Sadly the bug seems to be in IE.
Does it get fixed if the locale isset back to english?
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