Hi Guys, once again looking for feedback.
Please join and playtest the game, and leave your feedback either here or Page Zasif. If you want to do everything the game has to offer right now it shoudn't take more then 1-2 hours.
Key things I can't do anything about at the moment.
- Sprites/Effects/Music/Sound Effects, everything you see/listen is pretty much placeholders.
Key things I can improve based on your feedback right away if its related to those.
- Balance changes to the progression system.
- The way you interact with the interface System(Player/NPC Shops).
- Chat System(I hate the way byond handles Chat, Im looking for feedback on how to deal with this very much so. Maptext is not an option.)
http://www.byond.com/download/ - Make sure you download latest byond beta which can be found at the bottom.
Mar 18 2017, 12:43 pm
Mar 18 2017, 7:13 pm
I like art style of the icons on the game, it gives it a good feel. Good stuff. The skills in the game are pretty nifty too. I like it overall. I think it was made well. Idk I think u should work on my advertising so the efforts that you put in this game don't go to waste