Keywords: byond, games, humour, pictures


PS: My membership runs out in three days and I am really poor right now (FF12 and Guitar Hero II) so I will not be membering again for a while probably.

MSN/E-mail: jme.bell @
2 b4d 4 u
NOO!! I'll miss you! =(
Now we can't let that happen, can we?
SuperSaiyan Bank Account to the rescue!
Damn you anonymous donor! I was trying to teach myself about the value of a dollar :(

In all seriousness, though, thank you much SSGX :) In your honour I will make many quality posts over the next twenty-four hours.

Uh, and by twenty-four hours I meant 365 days.

It's late! D:
I thought about that, actually... It occured to me that you weren't really having monetary troubles that were out of your control (as in the choice was "BYOND Membership, or eating this week?"), but that you had made the choice to spend your cash elsewhere on seemingly non-essential items... So I probably should have just said "maybe this'll teach him to get his priorities straight"

But then I thought, "aw hell, why not?" Besides, I realized that I'm incorrectly classifying video games as "non-essential"...
We wouldn't be able to survive with Vortezz, it's for our own good as much as his.