What would make one? I don't have any ideas on one, I only have a lot of ideas, scattered around. Here's some.

-You start off as a building, 1 single building, and you can place it anywhere. This building has TONS of health. If it is destroyed, you lose. From this building, you have materials. You can make things with these.

-Turrets are modifyable, they basicly have a set "atk", "fort", "range", "health", and "Energy". Some turrets can only be powered by 1 kind of energy, some need 2 kinds. You can also alter turrets to have higher status for the cost of materials.

-Units are like movable turrets. There is a difference however. Units need "energy" to move as well as do anything. They sometimes run out of bullets and have to be refilled. Some of these can fire past turrets. When they are destroyed, they can be repaired for using a little less than what it took to make them.(unless the remains are burned)

-When the opponenet is dead, you can "own" buildings, and undestroyed units, for nothing.

-I plan on adding effects such as explosions, burning, craters, ashes, and others to make the game feel more like a Real-Time Strategy.

-You can ally with opponents, if they wish. This way people can team to destroy an opponent who has been playing since the game started.

Yes, I am looking for critisizm, but not complaning. Because of school, this game may not be halfway of what I want it to be. Please post any suggestions. Thanks.

You may want to check out my game, Morph. I give you permission to leech all the ideas you want off of it. ;) It's a project I may or may not improve in the future, I'm not too sure. The general concept is that you are given "basica," the root of earth dwelling life. Now, basica cannot create more of itself. However, it can morph into a non-mobile unit (building, although all things are considered "living" in this game), which can anchor to the ground supplying it the nutrients to create more basica. Basica themselves can form into pretty much anything earth based (essentially ground units and buildings). The next type of unit is (and this isn't currently implemented in the game) basically a new type of basica, this time for air units. I will probably also add water units in the future as well. The system is pretty cool, I think. It's fun for a quick play, but it's not very newbie friendly due to lack of good documentation. Not too hard to figure out though.

I like the ideas, but I think it would be better as a turn-based game instead of a real-time game. Sort of like Massive Assult if you've ever played it.
Either way BYOND needs games like this. Good luck.
Merciless Warrior wrote:
-Units are like movable turrets. There is a difference however. Units need "energy" to move as well as do anything. They sometimes run out of bullets and have to be refilled.

If it were up to me, I'd say play this up as much as possible. Logistics add so much to a RTS game, and in my opinion they rather desperately need it; it creates a need to build actual infrastructure, instead of just focusing your building efforts on maximizing unit production.
In response to DarkView
Turn Based? Sounds fun. Maybe it would add a lot more strategy into it.
In response to Polatrite
Thanks, it might help a lot.
In response to Leftley
Sounds like a good idea, thanks.
In response to Leftley
On the other hand, if you implement logistics badly it becomes tediously boring. There was an RTS that I played ages ago, Fate of the Dragon, which had a terrible logistics implementation that ruined the entire game. You had to micromanage resupplying your units, and if you forgot or left it too late then your units' stats would near-irreversably decline (and decline pretty rapidly at that). Having to set it up is okay, just as long as you can easily automate it afterwards; trying to micromanage resupply just leads to complete disaster and is very, very, very boring.

I liked Rise of Nation's model; if your unit is in enemy territory, it suffers gradual attrition damage unless you have a nearby supply cart. It's not supply exactly, but it's a similar idea.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:

I liked Rise of Nation's model; if your unit is in enemy territory, it suffers gradual attrition damage unless you have a nearby supply cart. It's not supply exactly, but it's a similar idea.

RONS is a lovely game, the Territory idea is executed brilliantly.
Shame about the lack of unit types.
In response to Merciless Warrior
I dont see many RTS games with BIG armies as it were. Mostly, you build 1 unit and it has like 100 HP.

Maybe a game where you could build an army that had so many troops or whatever and they need to eat, sleep etc etc. Other armies could suprise when asleep or eventually they could starve to death without looting a village for food or returning for supplies. Maybe a game with Castles - Sieges, Armies surround the castle and just try to break into it. After a while the inside would starve or try to break out - Being able to place archers on walls or in towers. Just some things i would like to see in an RTS.
In response to Game sabre
Game sabre wrote:
I dont see many RTS games with BIG armies as it were. Mostly, you build 1 unit and it has like 100 HP.

RoNs has a great system, where one unit might have an image of three men- and as this unit takes damage, the men die off one by one. This stops the problem of too much lag, allows better unit management (no annoying micro-management/unit max limits) and still puts on a *great* atmosphere, it looks often like real armies going to real war (On your moniter, of course).
The system wasn't rigid either- one of the men in the unit might be lagging behind the rest, and so might get shot down by archer fire, leaving the two left (the unit being damaged by 1/3).
Simply lovely, the balance is excellent. Whereas there might be three foot soldiers per unit, there might be one tank/chariot (etc.) per unit, it really gave the feeling of what a real army might look like.

Maybe a game where you could build an army that had so many troops or whatever and they need to eat, sleep etc
Other armies could suprise when asleep or eventually they could starve to death without looting a village for food or returning for supplies.

In RoNs, you could use marauding hit-and-run Mongol riders to take out the hefty Roman army's supplies, leaving them in enemy territory with no food, and the army slowly deteriotes and dies out.

Maybe a game with Castles - Sieges, Armies surround the castle and just try to break into it. After a while the inside would starve or try to break out - Being able to place archers on walls or in towers. Just some things i would like to see in an RTS.

Buy "Stronghold" for the PC, for around 3/4 quid.
I mean, about 7 dollars.

Oh, did I mention RoNs was lovely?

If you are wanting an example of how to do logistics in a BYOND game, look to Advance Wars 1/2.
In response to Kholint
The Total War series were simply excellent. You could control 100s of troops in battle and watch them fight.