Poke Wisteria Online RP

by Inutaishos
Wisteria is a Roleplay Driven Online game that happens 30 years before Red's adventure, be part of the creation of the Pokemon League and change the story and the world as we know! Check alot of creative mechanics and follow the game development

Finally our Second Beta is ready to go live!
Have you decided what is your favorite build and dream team?

Make sure to join our Discord: https://discord.gg/MGhhsfx
and Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeWisteria/


⊖Saffron City;
⊖Lavander Town;
⊖Vermilion City;
⊖Fuschia City;
⊖Knowledge Menu;
⊖Teach a Knowledge (some might have secondary reqs to learn);
⊖Knowledge Database (Can hold multiple smaller knowledge chained to one);
⊖Knowledge Skills (Some skills can be used withing a Knowledge);
⊖Admins can create Knowledge databases at runtime (Transforming a trial into usable/teachable informations or commands);
⊖Trainer Card Menu;
⊖Trainer Badges and Custom Badges;
⊖League Rankings;
⊖Stats command (Shows Power Rating);
⊖RP Rating command (Shows the Total and Recent RP ratings);
⊖Who command (Shows players online);
⊖Show command (Used to show Ranks and Perks);
⊖Custom command (To change custom icon at anytime -requires stars-);
⊖Build command (lets you change the maps, but requires admin authorisation);
⊖Wisteria Gym;
⊖Grab Command (forces someone with half health to follow you, must learn from specific players);
⊖League members can invade Official Battles and interrupt if necessary;
⊖Gym Leader Ranks (Requires atleast Gold league Ranking and type specialist + RPPs)
⊖Side Training Methods (Pokemon with low power rating can earn exp in afk methods like workout and study)
⊖Specific Pokémon can have different gain rates from different training methods (example, Abra gains more by studying then workout);
⊖Death Risk affects pokémon battle efficiency (removes up to 1x, similar to relationship and other bonuses)
⊖Lavander Cemetery
⊖New Perk Berserker (Obtainable by Ace trainers or Criminals when registering dead pokémon at Lavander Cemetery)
⊖Berserker transform Death Risk debuff into buff (increasing up to +1x on battle effects);
⊖Newbie Criminal deals more death risk when KOing enemies;
⊖Trained Pokémon can now die when knocked out; (1% Starting at 40% deathrisk, 60% at 100% deathrisk)
⊖New Perk Chemist (Obtained at Hospital prepair surgery task by scientists)
⊖Potions can treat pokémons injury with death risk under 10% (Not talking about usual hp recover)
⊖Added Super Potions, recover injury under 20%, and heals 90 hp;
⊖Added Hyper Potions, recover injury under 30%, and heals 200 hp;
⊖Added Max Potions, recover injury under 50%, and heals full hp;
⊖Chemists can learn or invent Potions (Alchemy) (By working at hospital);
⊖Chemists can learn or invent Repels and other Brews (Alchemy) (By projecting at Zilph);
⊖Genious with Alchemy knowledge can invent Repels and other brews by projecting at Zilph;
⊖Alchemy items Knowledge can be taught to other Scientists (if they have enough RPP);
⊖Knowing Alchemy, Potions can be crafted at Hospital shelfs, Potion shelfs, and machines at some poke-centers;
⊖Knowing Alchemy, Repels and other brews can be crafted at Caldrons, located at some cabins, lavander, saffron trailer, etc.
⊖Chemists can discover Organic Energy knowledge by studying;
⊖Miners can discover Mineral Energy knowledge by studying;
⊖If you know, You can process Organic Energy by using Leftovers in the power plant; and can obtain: Light Balls, Power Box, Heat Box, Blue Porigonite, Lightning Kits, Metal Powder, Metal Coat, Toxins, Rare Candies and more usefull resources;
⊖If you know, You can process Mineral Energy by using Minerals, a cheaper form to obtain most energy related resources; but cant obtain super rare ones;
⊖Added Apricorns;
⊖Breeders can Collect from trees usually fount in the forest to obtain various resources; such as Apricorns, Berry, Moss, Roots, and even rare ones like leftovers;
⊖Crafting items will require many different resources, the reqs of each items can be fount when you try to craft it; (It would take all day listing them here)
⊖Interacting with your pokémon to raise relationship no longer starts a battle;
⊖Interacting friendly with a calmed pokemon to return them safely to the wild can help them hatch their egg;
⊖Grass Routes now have a Habitat database;
⊖Pokemon reproduction and survival rates counts habitat matches before spawning;
⊖Habitats added: City, DenseForest, Grassland, Ruin, Volcano, Cemetery, Cave, Mountain, Hideout, DyingForest, Lake, Beach, Ocean and Safari;
⊖Grass Routes can have "half habitat" means reduced death rate of an unmatching pokémon in that habitat;
⊖Added Check Habitat Knowledge,
⊖Being Breeder and Genious lets you discover Check Habitat knowledge by researching on labs;
⊖Check Habitat Lets you see a pokemon's matching and unmatching habitats tags in a nearby grass route;
⊖Wild Pokémons can die if they are left in a unmatching habitat;
⊖Wild friendly interaction can create new spawns nearby;
⊖Work knowledge added;
⊖You can only get jobs in the place you work, However you can dismiss your work at anytime;
⊖Dismissing a work will reset your base salary;
⊖Base salary can raise through admin set special events;
⊖New Perk Medic ( can be obtained by prepairing surgery as a nurse and scientist;)
⊖Medic can use Surgery (Heals pokémon injury with deathrisk up to 98%)
⊖Safari Zone added, only place with special habitat Safari; (Requires to buy a ticket in order to access);
⊖Breeding College added;
⊖Moved the mainland port from Pallet to Vermilion, now ships from Wisteria goes to Vermilion;
⊖Added Zilph Corp;
⊖Added Zilph Executives ranks; (Can get, and give away Zilph Access cards);
⊖Factory Executives can get factory access cards from factory NPC;
⊖Added Project Job in Zilph Corp;
⊖Added Engineers Perk (Obtained by projecting and being scientist);
⊖Being Engineer projecting at Zilph can let you discover: Create TM, Pokedex Chip and Create Balls;
(Things can only be discovered if it was previously invented);
⊖Inventing a Zilph thing requires Genious (and Engineer);
⊖You can see the list of invention of Zilph at its Reception fountain;
⊖Pokedex Chip can be taught to newbie scientists (with enough RPP);
⊖Pokedex Chip knowledge lets you upload a chip with all your pokemon knowledge to a player's phone transforming it into a "pokedex";
⊖Create TM can be taught to other newbie scientists;
⊖To Create TMs you need to be a move specialist; and thats the specific TM you can create;
⊖You can Create Pokeballs by interacting with heavy machinery (Fount at places like Zilph and Factory)
⊖Each Pokeball have obviously specific requeriments to be crafted, resources can be seen as you try to craft them;
⊖New Knowledges, Crafts and Items can be Created at runtime by Admins to be discovered later;
⊖Economy System Created;
⊖Factory have a starting production quewe;
⊖Factory can add a new recipe to create a new production item, by investing factory funds in the specific item;
⊖Factory can invest its funds into exporting a new item to a specific shop;
⊖Factory profits from every items sold, and pays taxes to mines for resources, power plant for energy, and zilph for inventions;
⊖If the Factory runs out of stocks, Shops will stop selling that specific item;
⊖Added Alolan Rattata;
⊖Added Alolan Raticate;